Be a Voice for Domestic Violence Victims & Survivors

1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will experience severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. 24 people a minute are victims of rape, assault, or stalking by an intimate partner in the US. DP/IPV results in 1300 deaths per year, so more than 3 people are killed by intimate partners per day.

Volunteer Opportunities

Need community service hours?
We can sign off on community service hours for anyone needing volunteer hours for school, college applications, or even a court order.

Domestic Violence Peer Support Advocate (Virtual Remote)

Requirements: Must be a recovered survivor of domestic abuse. High school diploma or GED. Hold minimum a NACP Provisional Advocate Credential. If you need to obtain your advocate credential, complete the free VAT online training. This 40-hour training is part of the NACP pre-approved training list. Once you register for the Adobe Learner platform, click on the catalog, and filter by type “Training Programs” to locate the Victim Assistance Training Online. There is no cost for this training. There is an application fee for the Advocate Credential once you complete the training. For more information: View Full Description & Apply

Grant Writer/Fundraiser (Remote – Based in Warner Robins, GA)

Requirements: Proven education and/or experience in grant writing, fundraising, online and offline, or a related field. Familiarity with the nonprofit sector, particularly in areas related to domestic violence, is a plus.  Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Strong research and organizational abilities. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and/or Google Office Suite and fundraising software. Highly motivated, detail-oriented, and able to work independently. A strong commitment to the mission of supporting domestic violence survivors. While this is a remote position, candidates must be based in or near Warner Robins, GA, to occasionally attend local events or meetings. For more information: View Full Description & Apply

Other Ways to Help Survivors of Domestic Violence

Make a Donation: Every dollar donated directly affects our ability to provide services to people in need. It’s quick and easy to donate whatever amount works for you; it all has a significant impact! Click here to donateAll donations are tax-deductible!

Host a Fundraiser: If you have a fundraiser idea and would like to support Wind Haven, contact us to discuss hosting a fundraiser.

Become a Member: If you are a survivor of domestic violence or have a history of dysfunctional relationships, sign up for our Overcomer Membership. Find a Supportive Community to Detox, Heal, and Overcome Dysfunctional Relationships, Toxic Patterns, and Abuse.

Become a Sponsor: If you are a local business or corporation committed to supporting survivors of domestic violence, we encourage you to become a sponsor for Wind Haven Foundation. If you would like to serve your community by supporting the brave victims & survivors of domestic violence, you can view our sponsor proposal, or email us!

In-Kind Sponsorships: We are seeking local hotels in Houston County, GA!  If you are interested in donating rooms to help DV survivors in crisis, please get in touch with us! All donations are tax-deductible!

Become a Partner: We seek local partnerships with other organizations and ministries. By collaborating with like-minded individuals, we can serve our community better, while not duplicating the efforts of different organizations. If you are interested in becoming a partner of Wind Haven, email us!

Join Our Domestic Violence Support Group: To support others and offer peer support to other survivors, join our private domestic violence support group! Participate and engage with others and attend our virtual support meetings. 

Share: Share this page using the share buttons below, as well as our website,, as well as our social media pages & groups to publicly advocate for victims and survivors and encourage others to make a difference.

Help Support Victims of Domestic Violence

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Wind Haven Allies

Lotus Circle

Rosanne Wagner-Lentz
Teena Joiner

 Showcase Your Brand as a Leader in Supporting Change

We are seeking business sponsors to support domestic violence initiatives in Houston County, GA. This is one spot on our website where we will showcase your brand logo in addition to other advertising space.

Click the “Become a Corporate Sponsor” button below to learn more. Join our mission & showcase your brand as a leader in supporting change! 

Lotus Champions

Tier 3 Lotus Champions

Tier 2 Lotus Champions

Tier 1 Lotus Champions

Are you Tired of Toxic Relationships?

Detox from your toxic relationship with Wind Haven!
Sign up for our free Recovering with Grace newsletter to receive weekly tips through our premium blog articles on how to heal from unhealthy relationships, recognize red & green flags in your relationships, and build healthy relationships.


    Wind Haven Inc. is a Domestic Non-Profit Corporation, 501c3, DBA Wind Haven Foundation. Donations are tax-deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for this donation. To ensure transparency and donor impact, a portion of donations made by well-informed donors will be allocated towards an investment portfolio dedicated exclusively to funding the operation of the organization. Stocks owned by 501c3 organizations are protected from capital gains tax. A stock portfolio funded by donations makes the donations last longer for a more lasting impact. 

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Contact Form

    How can I access “member-only” articles and content? Sign up for our blog subscription, basic membership, or premium membership.

    How can I make a donation? You can make a donation on our online donation form. Donations benefit victims of Domestic Violence and are tax deductible.

    Which payment methods are accepted? We accept all major credit cards for our premium membership. Donations can be made using a credit card or PayPal. Digital products on our site, IE e-books, can be purchased using a credit card or PayPal. Physical books are sold on, and our merchandise is sold through Printify.

    What is your refund policy? Our website accepts donations, and all proceeds from our digital products, books, and merch benefit our nonprofit mission. Therefore, we do not generally provide refunds. For a complete overview of our refund policy, please visit our “Refund Policy” page.

    How can I access my account? To access your account, you can visit our quick links menu and select the “Account” link or click below:

    My Account

    Can I request that you post an article or resource link on your website? YES! You can send us topic requests, or if you have an article you’d like us to consider for publication, you can send it to us in the contact form and put “Article Publication Request” in the subject. If you are a business or organization requesting an article publication, we require a backlink to be placed on your website back to the article our site. If you would like us to consider your website link as a potential resource on our domestic violence search engine, we require a backlink to our site’s resource page which hosts our custom search engine for domestic violence resources. For domestic violence resources to be added to our search engine, please send us a message including the subject: “Resource Link Request.” *All articles and reciprocal links must be content related to domestic violence and other relationship topics on our website. 

    How do I submit a speaking request? To request Wind Haven to speak at your next event, please submit the contact form and put “Speaking Request” in the subject field.

    To be considered, the Message Field should contain the following:

    1. Date Requested
    2. Time Requested (i.e. From 11AM to 1PM — Time Zone}
    3. Event Location (City/State)
    4. Event Venue Name
    5. Type of Event (Church Service, Conference, Workshop, etc.)
    6. Targeted Audience (General, Singles, Couples, Leaders, etc.)
    7. Organization Name and Organization web site
    8. Primary Contact (Name, Email, Phone)
    9. Any additional details pertinent to your event

    Your request will be reviewed and someone will follow up with you.

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    If you need to exit this site quickly, click the black & purple sticky exit on the left side of your screen.

    If you are concerned about internet security & safety due to abuse, close this screen and clear your history, cookies, and browser cache. You can re-open our website in a secure location in a private browser window. 

    Safe computers can be found at your local library, Internet cafe, shelter, workplace, or computer technology center; avoid using shared computers when researching things like travel plans, housing options, legal issues, and safety plans. 

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